Sites Across the Map Celebrate International Hawk Migration Week!
September 17th – 25th, 2016 Watch sites from Bonney Butte, OR to Cape May, NJ, and Belize to Ontario to celebrate IHMW from September 17-25, 2016. Here are ways a […]
Over 1 Million Hawks Counted During IHMW 2015!
The Hawk Migration Association of North America celebrated its second annual International Hawk Migration Week (IHMW) September 19-27, 2015, by tallying over 1.3 million migrating hawks, eagles, and vultures at over […]
Over 1 Million Hawks Counted During IHMW 2014!
HMANA celebrated its first annual International Hawk Migration Week (IHMW) September 20-28, 2014, by tallying over 1.2 million migrating hawks, eagles, and vultures at 100 sites throughout Canada, the United […]