Raptor ID Workshop 2016

April 9-15, 2016

Braddock Bay, NY

Do you want to advance your hawk-watching skill set? HMANA’s hawk watching Raptor ID Workshop aims to help you improve both your ability to identify Eastern raptors in flight and your confidence in making that correct identification. This tour will allow participants to learn raptor ID tips in a one-on-one situation from some of the best hawk watchers in the country in a small group setting. 

In addition to the hawks, there will be plenty of other great birds to enjoy, and we will also look at identifying non-raptors in flight, listening to flight calls, and other skills that your modern hawk watcher is adding to their craft. We’ll also simply enjoy all the magic and majesty of some of the Great Lakes’ most incredible migrant hotspots. We do hope you can join us!

The above net prices include all lodging, transportation, and meals within New York. Not included are alcoholic beverages, extras in hotels (laundry, phone calls, room service, etc.), and gratuities.

Please read HMANA’s Tour Refund Policy before making your payment.

For more details, contact Julie Brown.


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