One-time Donation

Thank you for your donation!  We are thankful for your donation of any amount to help save and support raptors. All donations over $50 receive a complimentary membership.

Annual Fund: Unrestricted funds supporting all HMANA operations and programs

HMA Endowment: Invested, unrestricted funds to supplement support from all other funds and sustain HMANAs future

Hawkwatch Grant Fund: Advancement grants to Hawkwatch Programs

HawkCount: Support for the Website

***If you are interested in sponsoring a migration site, please click HERE

Raptor Population Index: Support for the Raptor Population Index Program

Conference Sponsor: Supports the HMANA Conference and reduces participant expenses


The option to donate online makes supporting raptors easy but also feel free to mail a check, payable to HMANA:

Hawk Migration Association

PO Box 183
Hancock, NH 03449


From: $5.00


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