Wind Turbine Siting Position Statement

Executive Summary for

Hawk Migration Association of North America’s Position Statement on

Industrial Wind Power Siting and Development

HMANA supports the development of wind facilities appropriately sited to minimize risks to raptors and other wildlife. Proper siting must be based on appropriate pre-construction monitoring tied to commitments to post-construction mortality studies capable of assessing the actual danger posed by a project and the relationship of that substantial risk to the pre-construction assessments. Both pre-construction and post-construction studies must be easily accessible to the general public.

HMANA recognizes that the risk of proposed new wind farms varies on a case-by-case basis since the threats to raptors vary by region, specific location, and many other factors. HMANA strongly advises against wind power development in areas known to have concentrations of nesting, wintering, or migratory raptors. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), and other federal legislation require federal agencies to carefully consider and assess the possible adverse effects in their projects and permitting practices. HMANA supports guidelines for the siting of wind power projects consistent with, and as rigorous as, provisions in the NEPA, the ESA, the MBTA, and other existing federal legislation.

HMANA supports and urges investment in alternative energy technologies if they can be shown to pose minimal risk to wildlife when appropriately implemented.

HMANA’s full, seven-page position statement includes further attention to such things as siting considerations, the need for better understanding of the risk posed by wind power projects through appropriate studies, biological diversity as criteria for evaluating risk to wildlife, offshore wind projects, USFWS eagle take permits under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, and alternate technologies.

PDF Version of Executive Summary

PDF Full Version of Position Statement


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