Turkey Vultures: Fascinating scavengers and nature’s clean up crew

Join us for HMANA's January Lunch & Learn on Wednesday Jan 24 at 12pm when we welcome back raptor expert, Bill Clark to speak about Vultures! This is a virtual event on Zoom. Open and free to all but registration is required. The Turkey Vulture is a New World Vulture that occurs widely in the […]

April Lunch & Learn: Tracking Montana’s Osprey

Join us for our April Lunch & Learn Virtual Presentation Series where we'll be welcoming Rob Domenech, executive director of Raptor View Research Institute, discussing Tracking Montana’s Osprey. This presentation will include a brief history of the Montana Osprey Project, when it started and why, blood heavy metals analysis (i.e., Mercury levels) in Osprey sampled […]

May Lunch & Learn: Shining a Light on Nighthawk Conservation

Join us for our May Lunch & Learn presentation. We'll be joined by Canadian ecologist, Elly Knight who will be shining a light on nighthawk conservation! The ground-nesting Common Nighthawk is one of North America's most widely distributed bird species and yet it remains one of the least understood, thanks in part to its nocturnal […]

Lunch & Learn: Are Raptors Facing a Climate Emergency?

For July, we welcome Will Weber, chair of HMANA's Climate Committee to speak about raptors and climate change. Are Raptors Facing a Climate Emergency? Surviving Rapid Changes Climate change presents raptors with direct and indirect challenges. We will look at the precedents for raptor survival during climate change on a geological time scale compared to […]

Unveiling the breeding home ranges of the enigmatic Broad-winged Hawk (Buteo platypterus)

HMANA is cosponsoring our September Lunch & Learn Series with the Harris Center for Conservation Education in NH to bring you a presentation by Diego Gallego García. Presentation description: When studying avian ecology, the first questions that come to our minds are: where does the bird breed? How much space does it need? Does it […]

Ferruginous Hawk Migration Ecology: Off the Beaten Path

Join us as for our October Lunch & Learn Series where we'll feature an enlightening discussion of migration for one of the lesser-known North American raptors across three countries - The Ferruginous Hawk! Jim Watson, Wildlife Research Scientist with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, will present information from his long-term studies of adult […]


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