“We’re “The Pair-a-grinning Falcons”, and we’re doing our Raptorthon on April 25th, 2021, at Niagara Peninsula Hawkwatch (NPH), to support HMANA (50%) and NPH (50%). We’re timing our day for peak Broad-winged Hawk migration, and great overall raptor diversity.
Lack of quality optics prevent many people from enjoying the wonder of raptor migration. So we’re raising money towards NPH’s purchase of binoculars, which will be made permanently available for public use at the tower, and hopefully make hawkwatching accessible to more visitors.
HMANA directed funds support myriad raptor conservation programs. These include the Junior Hawkwatcher Program, their international hawk migration database (hawkcount.org), and grant based support for educational materials & operational costs at hawkwatches sites all across the continent!
Please support “The Pair-a-grinning Falcons” with a Raptorthon donation.
Thanks for your support,
Rob Spaul, Niagara Peninsula Hawkwatch (Statistics and Reporting), HMANA Board of Directors”