Josh Haas – Hawks on the Wing

I am raising money for a good cause and last year’s format was so much fun I’m doing it again. On Saturday, May 29, I will once again be going green and riding my bike for conservation. I will count birds and go for a sizeable list in my home county in SW Michigan. All birds will be targeted, but the particular focus will be on raptors as I raise money for raptor conservation. All donations will go to the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA). The money we raise will help fund programs such as migration monitoring, the HMANA Hawk Watch Fund, general expenses, and paid staff who continue to work virtually to keep things running.

My personal goal is to raise at least $1500 for HMANA. Will you join me and donate to this cause? You can safely use your credit card directly here.

If you’re not able to donate, that’s okay too! Either way, please “like” my Hawks on the Wing Facebook page and follow me on the big day as I’ll be posting photos, tallied birds, and stories as the day go on. Thank you to everyone in advance for following/donating to help this worthy cause and supporting raptor conservation.


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