For nearly 50 years, HMANA has been the international leader and model of conservation excellence that creates a better world for raptors and people. With our partners, volunteers, and supporters like you, we work on the ground throughout the Americas advancing conservation through the study, enjoyment and appreciation of raptors and their migration.
With our partners, we collect, manage, analyze and publish the only long-term, continent-wide raptor population science that is the vital foundation of successful conservation efforts.
Becoming a HMANA Member, is the best way to support raptors. Membership is the foundation of our Annual Fund that provides critical support for all HMANA operations and programs, including hawk watching, science and education. We offer a variety membership options, each with fantastic benefits. Please soar to the highest membership to offer HMANA the greatest opportunity to achieve our mission and vision.
Together, we will continue this critically important and unique work. All membership levels advance hawk conservation and watching, and all are tax deductible and wisely leveraged to advance raptor programs. Your support is significant, critically important, and appreciated!
Merlin (student) $25: Conference, tour and workshop discounts, a HMA decal, and special access to current Hawk Migration Studies journal issue online
American Kestrel $50: Conference, tour and workshop discounts, a HMA decal and special access to current Hawk Migration Studies journal issue online
Broad-winged Hawk $100: Conference, tour and workshop discounts, a HMANA decal, and special access to current Hawk Migration Studies journal issue online
Peregrine Falcon $250: Conference, tour and workshop discounts, a HMA decal, HMA t-shirt, and special access to current Hawk Migration Studies journal issue online
Cooper’s Hawk $500: Conference, tour and workshop discounts, a HMA decal, HMA t-shirt, and special access to current Hawk Migration Studies journal issue online
Golden Eagle $1000: Conference, tour and workshop discounts, a HMA decal, HMA t-shirt, and special access to current Hawk Migration Studies journal issue online
The online option above makes joining our kettle and supporting raptors easy but also feel free to mail a check, payable to HMANA:
Hawk Migration Association of North America (Membership)
PO Box 183
Hancock, NH 03449
Tax ID: 51-0141690
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